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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does an investigation usually take?

​It depends on the situation. The time you want spent on the activity that you've reported is totally up to you, however in order to do a full, complete, and accurate investigation we strongly recommend you allow us to determine the length of time needed whenever possible. Typically speaking, including the interviews, the walk through, our set up, and tearing down we would need a minimum of 4 hours for a 2 hour investigation.

Do you charge for investigations?

Absolutely not!  P.A.T.H. Paranormal Society is a research team. We do what we do for the sake of helping those in need and for our own knowledge, not for money. Our goal has always been to simply research, study, and document possibly paranormal activity in the hopes that we, along with others in the field, can someday find definitive proof that spirits exist. 

What happens to photos and videos you take of my home?

​All photos, audio recordings, and/or videos captured during your investigation are the property of P.A.T.H. Paranormal Society, however no evidence will be publically displayed for those who request a confidential and discrete investigation. You will receive copies of any and all evidence we might collect during your investigation for your own personal use or display.

Can we stay and observe while you investigate?

If clients wish to stay we ask them to sit with our video surviellance tech watching the action.  For safety and the accuracy of our attempts to collect evidence we do not allow clients to roam about with us during investigations. Whenever possible we strongly prefer children NOT be present and pets be confined to a single area of the home. The least amount of human activity the better.

What happens after you leave?

After our investigation we will need approximately 2-3 days to review and analyze all photos, videos, and audio recordings for possible evidence. You will receive a follow up phone call the day after the investigation just check up with you. Once we have reviewed all evidence our case manager will then call to schedule an appointment to come back and explain our results. If you, or we, feel further action is required we will then schedule a followup investigation.

Do you get tips from the shows on TV?

Although the shows on TV are quite entertaining and may give the paranormal community a thing or two to consider about new equipment it would be hard to use anything that is shown on TV as a means to truly learn this field. It rarely compares to real live investigating and does not truly teach someone all the aspects that go into ghost hunting. Learning everything there is to know about this field can not be done by watching shows that are edited for an audience. 

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